yes. the escapade to Botanical Gardens. we did not go back empty handed!
stephen was trigger-happy with his camerca phone la haha.
as you all can see...i love animals.
haha i practically forced him to snap shots of everything visible and moving there la
oh but the kittens were taken at the chalet he attended.
SO DAMN CUTE CAN. and one kitten looked like it was smiling! :)
i'll go there on my own in the evening sometime soon, i wonder how the night lights would be..
it was HUGE LA actually, so walking in the sweltering heat killed off some of the excitement. HAHA.
i dreamt that i sang God's praises last night. i saw myself singing a Christian song, with my eyes closed and hands lifted. i've never known how it was, but last night i really did see myself. and i'm proud.
oh, and squash last night at signature park was good as usual. after that shiyun, stephen and i went to the market to eat..i abit in love with HOKKIEN MEE LA. maybe we were too hungry. the ride home was long, and i seriously STROLLED home from boon lay interchange, i was too tired, i still had to mug maths, and the prospect of actually burying my head in my books once i stepped into the house finished off whatever little enthusiasm i had left yesterday.
and i slept like a log...a bit never study la. so i'm screwed.
actually i really do want to know who that girl is, but i realised, i'm better off not knowing.
much better off not knowing. so i'm not going to put myself in that situation where i satisfy my curiosity and feel inferior all over again. no. not again.
because i'm done. really, i'm done.
yea, i read a post about someone's closest frens/family lying to her. i actually do feel damn pathetic when my dad lied to me. it speaks volumes, like maybe i'm not mature enough to handle the truth. or that my perception would change if he didn't lie. but it still did change, because the lie has been told, and i'm feeling awful that the relationship i have with my father has changed vastly. and i can't do anything about it.
i hate it when i find out that someone dear to me lied to me. it's not gonna stop happening i think. oh well.
on a brighter note, i went back to jjc yesterday, and i was very happy to see everyone again! :)
i'm totally in love with Wicked the Musical's For Good sung by Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth. beautiful lyrics, and the blending of both their voices singing two different lyrics at the bridge is just superb. i cannot get enough of it. it took the word beautiful to a whole new level. and the depth of emotion in their voice is enough to bring anyone to tears.
It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend
Because i knew you,
I have been changed...for good.
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